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sexta-feira, março 14, 2025

Top 23 Museums to Explore in Rio de Janeiro

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The roadmap for visitors to the Wonderful City includes more than just beaches and carnivals. Consider reserving one or multiple afternoons to explore the museums in Rio. Follow these tips to secure your tickets!

When considering a trip to Rio de Janeiro, we often focus on its beautiful beaches. However, it’s worth noting that the city has more to offer than just its coastal attractions. The museums in Rio de Janeiro are particularly appealing to history enthusiasts.

We have identified several important museums in Rio de Janeiro that you should visit during your trip. Additionally, you can explore the city’s art and culture by visiting these locations.

Review these suggestions and secure your ticket ahead of time. 😉

In this article, you will find:

  • Best Museums in Rio de Janeiro
  • Activities to experience in Rio de Janeiro
  • Rio de Janeiro’s dining establishments
  • Where to find accommodations in Rio de Janeiro
  • Explore additional suggestions from Rio de Janeiro.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Best Museums in Rio de Janeiro

We have curated a list of the top museums in Rio de Janeiro based on their popularity, facilities, and recommendations from previous visitors. Take a look:

  1. Tomorrow’s Museum
  2. The Museum of Modern Art
  3. Contemporary Art Museum
  4. National Historical Museum
  5. Fine Arts National Museum
  6. Imperial Museum
  7. Rio Art Museum
  8. Aquarium Rio
  9. Carmen Miranda Museum exhibition
  10. Museum showcasing the history and culture of Afro-Brazilian people.
  11. Banco do Brasil Cultural Center – CCBB
  12. Catete Palace is the Museum of the Republic.
  13. Indian Museum – Museum in India
  14. A museum dedicated to aerospace.
  15. Instituto Moreira Salles is abbreviated as IMS.
  16. Pontal Museum
  17. Museum dedicated to Samba
  18. Cup of the sky
  19. Edison Carneiro Museum of Folklore
  20. Copacabana Fortress
  21. Maritime Cultural Zone
  22. Royal Portuguese Reading Room
  23. Santos Dumont House Museum

Below are the specifics for each one:

Museum of Tomorrow – Exhibit One

Museu do Amanhã com um desenho geométrico perto de uma piscina de água, com céu nublado e prédios urbanos ao fundo. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Uma mulher está ao lado da placa "Museu do Amanhã" em uma parede branca, com um desenho circular colorido à esquerda do texto.
Imagem: stephmcblack/FreeImages
  • Praça Mauá, 1 – Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20081-240 is the location.
  • Adults pay R$ 30 while students pay R$ 15.
  • Opening hours are from 10am to 6pm, Tuesday through Sunday.

Designed by architect Santiago Calatrava, the Museum of Tomorrow captivates tourists with its captivating external and internal design. Its displays encourage contemplation on sustainability, technology, and society, prompting visitors to consider the future. The museum features five themed areas and offers more than 40 interactive experiences in Portuguese, Spanish, and English.

This museum is truly exceptional and thought-provoking, making it a must-visit in Rio.

  • Book a tour of the Museum of Tomorrow and Olympic Boulevard.

The Museum of Modern Art – Text 2

Museu de Arte Moderna com grandes colunas triangulares de concreto, paredes de tijolos e janelas de vidro. Uma escultura em forma de onda está em primeiro plano.
Imagem: xsix/ShutterStock
Interior espaçoso do Museu de Arte Moderna com vários andares, obras de arte expostas nas paredes e algumas pessoas andando por ali. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: Chakkree_Chantakad/PixaBay
  • Address: Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 85 – Flamengo Park, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20021-140.
  • Adults pay R$ 20, while students and elderly individuals over 60 years old pay R$ 10.
  • Wednesday to Saturday, the establishment is open from 10 AM to 6 PM, and on Sunday from 11 AM to 6 PM.

The Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro is highly esteemed in Latin America, featuring over 15,000 modern and contemporary artworks. Temporary exhibitions curated by artistic director Pablo Lafuente are showcased regularly.

The attraction offers various activities such as talks, classes, and a film library showing classic movies. We recommend dedicating a whole morning to explore the outdoor section of the museum and have a picnic in the garden.

Museum of Contemporary Art in Niterói

Edifício futurista do Museu de Arte Contemporânea com vista para a água e montanhas distantes, com pessoas caminhando por perto sob um céu azul claro. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Museu de Arte Contemporânea em forma de disco, com uma passarela vermelha e sinuosa, em um cenário costeiro.
Imagem: Chakkree_Chantakad/ShutterStock
  • Mirante da Boa Viagem, s/no – Boa Viagem, Niterói – RJ, zip code 24210-390.
  • Adults pay R$ 16, while students and seniors aged 60 and above pay R$ 8.
  • Tuesday through Sunday, the establishment is open from 10am to 6pm.

The Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) is located in Niterói, near Rio de Janeiro, and was designed by famous architect Oscar Niemeyer. Its unique design, resembling a UFO, draws visitors from all over the world, who are particularly attracted by the view of Guanabara Bay.

The collection contains more than 1,800 pieces by artists from around the world and is displayed on both the ground and first floors. A restaurant and bar are located in the basement for visitors to enjoy a meal after viewing the artwork.

  • Secure your entry to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Niterói.

National Historical Museum – Fourth Text

Pátio vazio do Museu Histórico Nacional com prédios brancos em arco e bancos. O chão está molhado, e uma passarela coberta fica à esquerda.
Imagem: Peggychoucair/DepositPhotos
Pátio do Museu Histórico Nacional com uma fonte central, cercado por canhões e árvores. O chão é pavimentado com padrões de pedra intrincados. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: stephmcblack/FreeImages
  • The location is Praça Marechal Âncora, S/N, Center, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
  • Free of charge.
  • Opening times are typically from 10am to 5pm on Wednesdays to Fridays and from 1pm to 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays. The venue is currently undergoing renovations and is expected to reopen in October 2025.

The National Historical Museum (MHN) in Brazil focuses on the country’s history, spanning 9,000 square meters with over 250,000 items covering various subjects like anthropology, geology, and botany.

The museum features both permanent and temporary displays, showcasing various themes including Portuguese history and culture from the 15th to the 19th centuries. Additionally, there is a library on the premises that covers diverse subjects like art history, museum studies, and fashion.

National Museum of Fine Arts – Fifth Text

Museu Nacional de Belas Artes com altas janelas em arco e árvores na frente, pessoas caminhando na calçada sob um céu parcialmente nublado. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: wal_172619/DepositPhotos
Museu Nacional de Belas Artes com uma galeria iluminada pelo sol com estátuas clássicas alinhadas em ambos os lados, colunas altas e um teto de vidro, criando uma atmosfera iluminada.
Imagem: Peggychoucair/Burst
  • Address: Av. Rio Branco, 199 – Downtown, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20040-008.
  • Price for adults is R$ 8, while students and seniors over 65 pay R$ 4; admission is free on Sundays.
  • The store is open from 10 am to 6 pm on weekdays and from 12 pm to 5 pm on weekends and holidays.

The National Museum of Fine Arts is a great place to begin exploring art, especially if you’re not an expert. Housed in a historic building that used to be the old School of Fine Arts, the museum features a diverse collection of 19th-century Brazilian art, such as paintings, prints, sculptures, and books. Visitors can also see replicas of Greco-Roman artworks during their visit.

  • Book a tour of the center to explore the National Museum of Fine Arts.

Imperial Museum in Petropolis

Museu Imperial rosa e branco se ergue com janelas em arco, cercado por sebes bem cuidadas e vegetação.
Imagem: timmossholder/KaboomPics
Museu Imperial iluminado com arquitetura clássica fica à noite, cercado por sebes e árvores bem cuidadas. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: driles/ShutterStock
  • Rua da Imperatriz, number 220, Downtown – Petrópolis.
  • Adults are charged R$ 10, while students and seniors over 60 years old pay R$ 5.
  • The establishment is open from 10am to 6pm, Tuesday through Sunday.

The Imperial Museum, located in Petrópolis, about 68.1 km and around 1 hour and 20 minutes away from Rio de Janeiro by car, offers an intriguing glimpse into Brazil’s history during the imperial era. Alongside historical artifacts, the museum features ornate rooms, a library, a craft store, and a café, providing visitors with cultural and leisure activities to engage in.

It feels like we have traveled back in time, with a typical villain of the era and an intriguing display. I felt like I was in a historical movie while wandering through the halls!

To maintain the original wooden floor, visitors must wear felt slippers provided by the museum for a better experience.

  • Secure your entry to the Imperial Museum.

Rio Art Museum – Text 7

Museu de Arte do Rio com vários andares e uma cúpula central, cercado por árvores e algumas pessoas na calçada. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: astrovariable/Burst
Museu de Arte do Rio com grandes janelas, pessoas caminhando em um pátio ao ar livre e um céu azul claro acima.
Imagem: TomasHa73/Flickr
  • Praça Mauá, 5 – Saúde, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20081-240.
  • Price: Adults pay 20 Brazilian reais, students pay 10 Brazilian reais, and admission is free on Tuesdays.
  • Opening hours are from 11am to 6pm, Tuesday through Sunday.

The opening of the Rio Art Museum (MAR) was a significant event in the redevelopment of the city’s port area. The architecture seamlessly blends a classic building, the Palacete Dom João VI, with a modern structure, a renovated road terminal that now accommodates the School of Look.

The museum displays traditional and modern artworks showcasing Rio’s history through temporary and permanent exhibitions, including donated pieces. It also features a distinctive gift shop, a charming ground-floor bistro, and an excellent terrace restaurant.

  • Book a guided walking tour of the Rio Art Museum and surrounding area.

Aquarium 8 – AquaRio

Um aquário vibrante e colorido cheio de peixes-palhaço nadando entre recifes de corais e rochas cobertas de algas. Os peixes exibem suas listras laranja, brancas e pretas distintas, contrastando com o fundo azul do aquário.
Imagem: JonPauling/iStock
Uma pessoa caminha por um túnel de vidro subaquático em um aquário, rodeada por peixes que nadam acima e ao redor. A iluminação azul-esverdeada do ambiente cria um efeito mágico, refletindo nas paredes do túnel e na água. A pessoa, vestindo uma blusa amarela e shorts jeans, olha para cima, maravilhada com a vista subaquática dos peixes e outros animais marinhos que deslizam graciosamente pelo tanque
Imagem: Peggychoucair/DepositPhotos
Um cavalo-marinho flutua graciosamente em um aquário iluminado por uma luz azul suave. O cavalo-marinho, com seu corpo delicado e textura única, parece estar em perfeita harmonia com o ambiente subaquático. Ao fundo, corais e plantas aquáticas adicionam um toque de cor e complexidade ao cenário marinho, criando um habitat natural e sereno.
Imagem: JonPauling/FreeImages

Photos by Nátalie Guimarães

  • Praça Muhammad Ali address is located in Gambôa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Adult tickets cost R$ 120, student tickets cost R$ 70, and children under two years old can enter for free.
  • Opening times: Daily, from 9am to 5pm.

AquaRio, the largest marine aquarium in South America, is also a museum that shares interesting information about its animals as part of the museum list in Rio de Janeiro. It even took part in the 3rd National Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Science Centers and Museums.

AquaRio provides a genuine and immersive experience where visitors are encouraged to take their time and appreciate each tank. The attraction offers a wide range of fish, exhibitions, and fascinating information that captivates visitors of all ages.

AquaRio provides a memorable experience for all visitors with its vast collection of animals. One of its popular features is the underwater tunnel, allowing you to capture amazing photos while walking through a large tank filled with water and marine creatures.

  • Secure your admission to AquaRio.

The Carmen Miranda Museum is the ninth museum.

Museu Carmen Miranda com uma exposição de manequim e um manequim de contas e uma roupa preta de lantejoulas em vidro. O fundo inclui fotografias vintage emolduradas. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: GernotBra/StockVault
Exposição do Museu Carmen Miranda com painéis vermelhos com fotos em preto e branco, uma caixa cilíndrica com sapatos e um vestido em um manequim.
Imagem: Chakkree_Chantakad/GettyImages
  • Address: Av. Rui Barbosa in Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
  • Price: no cost.
  • Opening times are from 11 am to 5 pm on Wednesdays to Fridays, and from 12 pm to 5 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

If you have a passion for Brazilian music, the Carmen Miranda Museum in Rio de Janeiro is a must-visit. It houses 3,348 items from the artist, donated by the family posthumously. On display are more than 1,000 photos and 400 clothing items, such as costumes and accessories, with the goal of honoring Carmen Miranda’s cultural impact.

Museum showcasing historical and Afro-Brazilian culture.

  • Rua Pedro Ernesto, 80 is the location of the address in Gamboa, Rio de Janeiro, with the postal code 20220-350.
  • Price: no charge.
  • Opening hours are from 10am to 5pm, Tuesday through Sunday.

The Museum of History and Afro-Brazilian Culture (MUHCAB) situated in “Little Africa” commemorates the significant arrival of enslaved Africans. Exhibiting its collection outdoors, the museum provides guided tours emphasizing the historical significance of the area. Furthermore, it is known for organizing cultural and educational events, making it one of Rio de Janeiro’s cultural institutions.

  • Book a guided visit to the Museum of History and Afro-Brazilian Culture and its surroundings.

11 – Banco do Brasil Cultural Center – CCBB

Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil com uma grande escultura de madeira de um robô com rosto e braços humanos, situada em um grande átrio com teto de vidro abobadado e colunas. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Interior do Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil com um grande teto de domo de vidro ornamentado, cercado por colunas e iluminado por luzes quentes.
Imagem: GernotBra/Pexels
  • Rua First de March, 66 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro/RJ is the location.
  • Free of charge.
  • The store is open from 9am to 8pm, Wednesday through Monday.

The Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil offers theater, cinema, and visual arts in a single space, catering to all ages with over 2,450 projects. The venue constantly evolves and has hosted displays of renowned impressionist artworks and the Rá-Tim-Bum Castle collection. Additionally, it houses a library with over 150,000 pieces.

  • Book a tour of the center to become acquainted with the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil.

Catete Palace is a museum dedicated to the Republic.

Palácio do Catete de três andares com decorações ornamentadas e estátuas no telhado, cercado por árvores e alguns pedestres.
Imagem: GernotBra/Pexels
Sala ornamentada com lustres, um piano de cauda, pinturas decorativas e móveis opulentos, com janelas altas e tetos intrincados no Palácio do Catete. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: Peggychoucair/StockVault
  • Rua do Catete 153, Catete, Rio de Janeiro – RJ is the location of the address.
  • The cost is zero.
  • The Museum of the Republic is open daily from 8 am to 6 pm, while the Catete Palace is open Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm and on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from 11 am to 5 pm.

The Museum of the Republic, situated in the Catete Palace, is a significant museum in Rio de Janeiro. It was formerly the headquarters of the Presidency of the Republic from 1897 to 1960 and witnessed notable historical occurrences, including Getúlio Vargas’ suicide in 1954. Visitors can view a permanent display featuring political artifacts, artwork, and documents within the palace.

The museum is famous for its lovely garden featuring an artificial lake, sculptures, caves, and a playground. Additionally, it offers a library, cinema, cafeteria, and rotating exhibits, ensuring a unique experience for all visitors.

Indian Museum – Thirteen

Um prédio amarelo com detalhes ornamentados fica ao lado de uma cabana de palha. Manequins e plantas decoram o caminho de azulejos no meio. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: GernotBra/UnPlash
  • Rua das Palmeiras, 55, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22270-070.
  • Free of charge.
  • Opening times are from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

The Indian Museum in Rio de Janeiro focuses on safeguarding indigenous culture in Brazil with a collection of over 30,000 ethnographic items and various publications. It also houses more than 100,000 audiovisual records to showcase the diversity of the people.

This attraction plays a crucial role in educating and promoting indigenous culture. Housed in a colonial building, the museum is a significant resource for scholars and enthusiasts of ethnography.

Aerospace Museum – Text 14

Vista externa do edifício do Museu Aeroespacial com estacionamento e vários carros estacionados. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: JonPauling/Flickr
Um jato militar cinza é exibido em um museu de aviação com tetos altos e janelas grandes.
Imagem: timmossholder/Burst
  • Cost: no charge.
  • Tuesday through Sunday, the establishment is open from 9am to 4pm.

The primary aviation museum in Brazil can be found in Rio de Janeiro at the Aerospace Museum. It showcases more than 80 aircraft, featuring a precise copy of Santos Dumont’s renowned 14 Bis. In addition to 12 thematic rooms highlighting key figures in aviation history, the museum also houses engines, weaponry, a variety of historical artifacts, and a library.

Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS) – Text 15

Uma piscina é cercada por árvores e plantas tropicais. Prédios com paredes brancas estão ao fundo. Uma montanha é visível.
Imagem: Chakkree_Chantakad/PixaBay
Mural de azulejos azuis representando figuras abstratas ao lado de um lago, com vegetação em primeiro plano e um edifício branco ao fundo. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: stephmcblack/iStock
  • The address is located at 476 R. Marquês de São Vicente, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22451-040.
  • Opening times are currently unavailable due to renovations, expected to reopen in 2027.

The IMS in Rio de Janeiro is a delightful museum that combines art, nature, and architecture in a historic house once owned by Walther Moreira Salles. The museum is known for its cultural experience, extensive photography collection, modernist architecture, and beautiful garden.

16 – Pontal Museum

Uma sala bem iluminada com exibições de miniaturas e fotos emolduradas, com paredes laranja e azul e uma coluna central.
Imagem: JonPauling/Burst
Um grupo de pessoas, incluindo uma pessoa em cadeira de rodas, observa um colorido diorama de circo em miniatura em uma exposição de museu.
Imagem: GernotBra/UnPlash
  • The address is at Av. Célia Ribeiro da Silva Mendes, S/N, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, ZIP code: 22790-711.
  • The cost is zero.
  • Opening hours are from 10am to 6pm on Thursday to Sunday.

The Pontal Museum boasts a remarkable assortment of approximately 9,000 pieces by 300 artists, showcasing the history of Brazilian cultural heritage. Founded through the research of French designer Jacques Van de Beuque, the museum’s permanent exhibition “Novos Ares: Pontal Reinventado” features vibrant testimonies from prominent figures like Gilberto Gil.

The Samba Museum is featured in Text 17.

Uma pessoa vestida de branco tradicional está em uma exposição de museu sobre ascendência africana, com painéis informativos vibrantes expostos. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: timmossholder/FreeImages
Estátua de bronze de um homem de óculos escuros e chapéu sentado a uma mesa, com arte e fotos na parede atrás dele.
Imagem: GernotBra/StockVault
  • R. Visconde de Niterói, 1296 Hose, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20943-001 is the location.
  • Adults pay R$ 20 while students pay R$ 10.
  • Opening times: Tuesday through Saturday, 10am to 5pm.

One of the museums in Rio de Janeiro is the Samba Museum, which is focused on conserving afro-Brazilian culture. It provides cultural, educational, and event activities and is situated in the birthplace of samba. The museum houses 45,000 items, such as audiovisual and heritage resources, and features a Documentation and Research Center.

Teak from Paradise

Casa de concreto com telhado plano, cercada por árvores e vegetação, com janelas retangulares e um pequeno pátio.
Imagem: JonPauling/PixaBay
Um edifício de concreto cercado por árvores e plantas, com um pequeno lago em primeiro plano refletindo a vegetação. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: driles/KaboomPics
  • Rua Murtinho Nobre 93, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro is the location.
  • Free of charge.
  • The establishment is open from 10:00 to 16:30, Wednesday through Monday.

The Teacara of Heaven, once owned by Raymundo Ottoni de Castro Maya, now serves as a museum featuring original house settings, Brazilian art by Cândido Portinari, European and oriental art pieces, and unique furniture and books.

The property’s garden and rooftop terrace offer lovely city and Guanabara Bay views. Being close to Ruins Park enhances the visitor’s experience.

  • Book a guided walking tour of the Sky Cup and its surroundings.

Folklore Museum Edison Carneiro.

Prédio histórico com janelas arqueadas e grafite, com placas de um museu de folclore. Prédio moderno visível ao fundo. Imagem para ilustrar o post sobre museus no Rio de Janeiro.
Imagem: wal_172619/FreeImages
Escultura de argila representando um homem apontando uma arma para um cervo em uma árvore, com dois pequenos animais na base sobre uma plataforma de madeira.
Imagem: JonPauling/Flickr
  • The location is 179 R. do Catete, Catete, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22220-000.
  • Price: no charge.
  • Tuesday to Friday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM; Saturday, Sunday, and holidays: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

The Museu de Folclore Edison Carneiro in Rio de Janeiro is a significant museum with around 17,000 items showcasing Brazil’s cultural variety. It includes the Vitalino Master Gallery for temporary exhibits on popular culture diversity.

The museum is notable for the Popular Artist’s Room, a space showcasing works by various artists, and the Vitalino Master Room, which displays medium-term pieces from the collection.

Cabana Stronghold

Uma entrada em arco branco com a inscrição "Forte de Copacabana" com canhões militares em primeiro plano e árvores ao redor da estrutura.
Imagem: astrovariable/FreeImages
Fortaleza branca com uma bandeira brasileira no topo, portas e janelas em arco sob um céu azul claro.
Imagem: karvanth/Flickr
  • Address: 1 Colonel Eugênio Franco Square – Post 6 / Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro/RJ.
  • Adults pay R$ 10, while students and seniors over 60 pay R$ 5.
  • Opening hours are from 10 am to 7 pm on Tuesdays through Sundays and holidays.

Visitors to the Forte de Copacabana Museum can view the original fortification installations in art-nouveau style, including galleries, cafeterias, and washbasins. Additionally, they can explore historical areas such as the munitions storage, shooting chamber, and impressive cannon domes.

The Fort of Copacabana offers a stunning view, interesting spaces, and a delightful Confeitaria Colombo, all conveniently located near Copacabana beach.

Be sure to take in the beautiful sights of Sugar Loaf and Copacabana Beach during your visit. The museum also offers a peaceful walking experience with the elegant Colombo Confeitaria café for visitors to unwind and appreciate the surroundings.

Marine Cultural Zone – 21

Vista aérea do Espaço Cultural da Marinha com um navio de guerra e edifícios, cercado por água e paisagem urbana ao fundo.
Imagem: TomasHa73/PixaBay
  • The address is Av. Alfred Agache, S/N – Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20021-000.
  • Adults are charged R$ 20, while students pay R$ 10.
  • Opening times are from 11am to 5pm, Tuesday through Sunday.

The Navy Cultural Area is an excellent destination for individuals interested in discovering Brazil’s maritime history. Visitors can enjoy interactive displays featuring boat replicas, uniforms, and equipment. The experience includes the opportunity to explore a submarine, see a reconnaissance aircraft, and even visit a destroyer, making it an enjoyable and unique outing suitable for all ages.

I visited as a child and still recall the excitement of exploring the sailors’ cabins and testing the submarine’s weapons. It was a memorable experience!

The area serves as a departure point for boats transporting visitors to Fiscal Island and the entrance of Guanabara Bay, offering an opportunity to explore the area.

Royal Portuguese Reading Cabinet 22

Edifício em estilo gótico com fachada ornamentada, bandeiras acima da entrada, carros estacionados e em movimento na frente e céu nublado no alto.
Imagem: karvanth/ShutterStock
Uma mulher está em uma biblioteca ornamentada com um grande teto de vitral e prateleiras altas cheias de livros.
Imagem: JonPauling/StockVault
  • Address: 30 Luís de Camões Street – Downtown, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20051-020.
  • Free of charge.
  • Monday to Friday, the opening hours are from 10am to 5pm.

The Royal Portuguese Reading Cabinet is renowned for its significant historical and cultural importance and its impressive internal architecture. It houses the largest collection of works by Portuguese authors outside of Portugal, totaling 350,000 volumes. Additionally, as part of the legal deposit system, the Cabinet regularly receives copies of the latest publications from Portugal, making it a valuable resource for learning about Rio de Janeiro’s unique features.

This location was highly suitable for Instagram photos, particularly the available reading materials. As a book enthusiast who is fascinated by local architecture, I also appreciated the engaging exhibition on the impact of women in Brazilian literature.

Museum Casa de Santos Dumont can be found in Petrópolis.

Uma casa branca com detalhes e escadas verdes é cercada por vegetação exuberante e arbustos, sob um céu azul claro.
Imagem: karvanth/PixaBay
  • Address: 22 Enchantment Street, Center, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, 25685-081.
  • Adults pay R$ 10, while students pay R$ 5.
  • Opening times are from 10am to 5pm, Tuesday through Sunday.

The Casa de Santos Dumont Museum in Petrópolis is a delightful place, situated about 1:20 away from Rio de Janeiro. Known as “A Encantada”, this three-story house was where Dumont spent his summers. Visitors can see Dumont’s personal belongings, including a balloon-shaped lamp gifted by Princess Isabel, as well as letters exchanged between Dumont and his acquaintances.

Activities to experience in Rio de Janeiro

Fachada do Theatro Municipal, um edifício imponente com arquitetura neoclássica e detalhes dourados, localizado em uma área urbana. As colunas majestosas sustentam a estrutura, e as cúpulas verdes com adornos dourados adicionam um toque de elegância. Na frente, escadas levam até a entrada principal, enquanto carros e pedestres movimentam-se na rua em frente.
Imagem: Peggychoucair/FreePik

Rio de Janeiro offers more than just its famous beaches like Red beaches, Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon. Visitors can also enjoy stunning trails, museums, theaters, churches, and the Maracanã Stadium.

When visiting Rio de Janeiro, make sure to visit the Redeemer Christ, the Sugar Loaf, and AquaRio. There are numerous attractions and activities to enjoy in Rio, making each visit a delightful experience. Be sure to explore some fantastic tours during your trip.

  • Paraphrase: Maracanã Stadium
  • Christ the Redeemer
  • Sugar Loaf – A conical shape mountain or hill.
  • AquaRio aquarium.
  • Botanical Garden
  • Municipal Theater

Rio de Janeiro eateries

Prato da Joaquina com uma colherada de batatas fritas recheadas com queijo e carne desfiada de uma frigideira, guarnecidas com cebolinhas.
Imagem: astrovariable/ShutterStock

In Rio de Janeiro, there are plenty of great dining choices available, including restaurants, BBQ spots, bars, and cafes. Popular local dishes include feijoada, picadinho, mate, natural juices, and the renowned Biscoito Globo.

Dams and beachside kiosks are commonly found and are perfect for a day of relaxation by the sea. To make planning easier, we have chosen the top-rated restaurants recommended by travelers on TripAdvisor.

  • Beach Club Urca is a classic destination by the sea.
  • Joaquina’s name
  • Rio Barbecue
  • Marius Degustare Restaurant
  • Grill

Where to lodge in Rio de Janeiro

To avoid searching for accommodations in Rio de Janeiro, we have listed top-rated options in different categories for you to choose from.

Cheaper: Americas Granada Hotelin the Centre Note: 8.2 R$ 316 / day
Honeymoon: Sheraton Grand Rio Hotel & Resortin Leblon Note: 8.4 R$ 1,200 per day
Resorts: Eco Resort Hotel Villa Sao Romão in Lumiar Note: 9.7 R$2,400 / day
Families: Windsor FloridaIn Flamengo Note: 8.7 R$ 520 / day
Airbnb: Link Stay Flatsin Barra da Tijuca Note: 8.8 R$ 276 / day
Copacabana: Miramar By Windsor Note: 9.0 $ 1000 / day
Ipanema: Hotel Arpoador Note: 8.7 R$ 1.800 / day
Barra da Tijuca: Windsor Oceanico Hotel Note: 8.9 R$ 575 / day

Discover the most affordable lodging options in Rio de Janeiro.

View additional recommendations from Rio de Janeiro.

The tips continue! Here is a list of detailed posts to assist with planning your trip:

  • Rio de Janeiro has farm accommodations.
  • Rio de Janeiro accommodations
  • Central Rio de Janeiro accommodations
  • Top beaches in Rio de Janeiro
  • Things to do in Rio de Janeiro in the evening
  • Activities in Rio de Janeiro
  • Trails found in Rio de Janeiro
  • Ibis accommodations located in Rio de Janeiro
  • Rio de Janeiro hotels
  • Hostels available for New Year’s Eve in Rio de Janeiro.
  • Hotels close to the American Embassy in Rio de Janeiro
  • Telegraph rock in Rio de Janeiro
  • Luxury accommodations in Rio de Janeiro
  • Romantic lodges in Rio de Janeiro
  • Where to dine in Rio de Janeiro
  • Accommodations close to Rock in Rio
  • Joatinga Beach is located in Rio de Janeiro.
  • Lodging options in Cabo Frio
Avião voando em um céu com poucas núvens durante o dia. Foto de John McArthur via Unsplash
Imagem: Chakkree_Chantakad/GettyImages
Globo do mundo em cima de uma mesa branca com um estetoscópio em volta. Foto de Marco Verch via Flickr
Imagem: TomasHa73/Burst
Carro estacionado em um mirante com núvens no horizonte e o céu com o pôr do sol. Foto de Casey Horner via Unsplash
Imagem: xsix/ShutterStock

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out additional specific questions and answers about museums in Rio de Janeiro if you still have any inquiries.

Some of the museums in Rio de Janeiro offer free admission, such as the National Historical Museum, the National Museum of Fine Arts on Sundays, the Rio Art Museum on Tuesdays, and the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center – CCBB. Learn more about activities in Rio de Janeiro.

Some of the museums located in downtown Rio de Janeiro include the National Historical Museum, the National Museum of Fine Arts, and the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil – CCBB.

The Museum of Tomorrow, the National Museum of Fine Arts, the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Rio Art Museum are among the most popular museums in Rio de Janeiro.

Some of Rio de Janeiro’s military museums include the Catete Palace, the Army Historical Museum at Fort Copacabana, the Navy Cultural Area, and the Aerospace Museum. Explore more activities in Rio de Janeiro.

The ten museums in Rio de Janeiro that are accessible without charge include the National Historical Museum, the National Museum of Fine Arts (free on Sundays), Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), and others.

The Museum of Tomorrow is located in Mauá Square in the Port area of Rio de Janeiro’s Centre.

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